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Enter Trip Results
Enter Trip Results
Updated over 2 years ago

After executing a trip and filling the machines, you have to enter the servicing data you captured in the system.

To enter trip results, go to the Trips screen, select the trip you want to modify, and click the Enter Results button.

This step must be performed only if you use paper-based data input.

If you are using the VendSoft mobile application, you can skip the manual entering of data. Just press the Upload Trip button, and the data will automatically transfer.

The Enter Trip Results screen has three sections:

List of Machines

This is the upper section. Here the system displays all machines in the trip.

  • Machine: machine code and name

  • Type: machine type

  • Location: name of the location

  • Cash Collected: the amount of money collected. Updated automatically when you enter a value in the machine header section

  • Credit Card: the amount of credit card sales. Updated automatically when you enter a value in the machine header section

  • Expected: the amount expected. Calculated by the system based on the sales you enter.

  • Money Bag: number of the money bag. Updated automatically when you enter the value in the machine header section

  • Comments: any notes that the driver has entered while filling the machine.

When you select a specific machine, its detailed data is populated in the sections described below, and you can view and modify it.

Machine Header section

  • Cash Collected: enter the amount of money you collected from the machine.

  • Added Coins: enter the amount of cash that you added to the machine's coin mechanism

  • Credit Card Sales: enter the sum of sales paid with a credit card. This field is visible if you have enabled the Track Credit Card Sales flag to track the machine's sales with a credit card.

  • Vend Meter: enter vend meter readings value. Below, the system also shows the value and the date of the previous vend meter reading, if any. This field is visible if you have enabled the Track Vend Meter flag to track the machine's vending meter readings.

  • Cash Meter: enter the cash meter readings value. Below, the system also shows the value and the date of the previous cash meter reading, if any. This field is visible if you have enabled the Track Cash Meter flag to track the machine's cash meter readings.

  • Comments: enter notes that the driver has entered while filling the machine. Trip comments are temporary and can communicate something from the driver to the dispatcher. You can view the history of the comments using the Comments report and on the mobile app's History screen.

Machines Details section

In the bottom section, you can see a list of the selections of the selected machine. The data displayed depends on the machine type because you need to capture different data if you service a soda machine, a bulk machine, or a coffee machine.

Soda Machines

This is also valid for machines of the following types: Soda, Snack, Soda/Snack, Juice, Cigarette, Honor Box, and Toy Capsule.

For each selection of the selected machine, you can see the product currently placed inside (column Product), the Last Fill Level of the selection (in column Last count, the inventory in the selection after the last fill), vend price of the product (column Price).

You should enter values in the column Current Count (the number of items in the selection on arrival) and Filled (the quantity you put in the selection to fill it up). Entering values in these fields can be done quickly using the Tab key.

When you enter these fields, the values for Sold, Cash, and New Count are automatically calculated:

Sold = Last Count - Current Count

New Count = Current Count + Filled

Cash = Sold * Price

A useful shortcut:

If you want to fill the machine to its Last Fill Level, enter values only in the Filled column.

The system will automatically populate columns Sold and Current Count with the following values:

Sold = Filled

Current Count = Last Count - Filled

If you need to enter more detailed information, click the Edit icon at the end of the row.

The system will open the Edit Selection screen:

  • Current Count: Enter the number of items on arrival, including Bad and Emptied items.

  • Bad (discarded): If you have some damaged, spoiled items in the machine, enter their quantity here. This quantity will be written off after you save the trip. The product's In Machines quantity and Total In-stock quantity will be decreased.

  • Emptied (returns): Enter the number of items you take out of the machine and return to the warehouse. You can use this to change the product in this selection or to empty the machine. For example: if you want to change the product in the selection and you return the remaining quantity of the previous product to the warehouse, or if you want to remove a machine from the market and you have to empty it. After you save the trip, the In Machines quantity for the product will be decreased, and the In Warehouse quantity will be increased by the entered value. The Total In-stock quantity for the product will remain unchanged.

  • Net Remaining: calculated automatically by the system as (Current Count - Bad - Emptied)

  • Sold: calculated automatically by the system as Last Count - Current Count

  • Filled: enter the quantity you put in to fill up the selection.

  • Replacement product: select the new product if you want to change the product in this column. You can type in this field and search for the product by code and name. If you change the product in the list of machine columns column Product will be highlighted in yellow and display both the new and the old products.

  • New Price: enter the new vend price here if you want to change it.

  • New Count: calculated automatically by the system as Net Remaining + Filled. After you save the trip, the value of the Last Fill Level (Last Count) for this selection will be changed to the value in this field.

Example: change product in selection 2

This is the proper way to replace a product in the machine or to alter the product's vend price.

When you save the trip, the system will update the machine's configuration with the new products and prices.

Cash Up Front Machines

For each selection, you should enter values in the column Sold.

Bulk Machines

For each canister, you should enter values in the column Filled Quantity.

Coffee Machines

For Coffee machines, you have two tabs with data: one for Ingredients and one for Drinks.

For Ingredient products, the system tracks the inventory, so you have to enter the quantities that you filled in the machine in column Filled:

For Drinks (finished products), the system tracks the sales/income, so you have to enter the number of vends for each drink.

Enter the value in the field New Meter Reading. The system will automatically calculate the value of the field Sold as the difference between the New Meter Reading and the Old Meter Reading.

Column Old Meter Reading holds the value of the meter reading of this selection from the last posted trip for this machine.

You can modify the Sold field and enter a value different from the calculated.

Field Amount Expected is calculated based on the value in the field Sold as the sum of Sold * Vend Price for all selections.

If this is the first trip for the machine, the field Old Meter Reading will be empty, so the value for the field Sold will not be calculated automatically. You can enter it manually if you have this information.

Next Steps

After entering trip results, click the Save button. The trip has now moved into state Posted.

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