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Create Location
Updated over a week ago

Entering new Location data happens in the Create Location screen:

Basic Info

  • Status: The location status. Possible values are Active and Inactive. You can quickly identify inactive Locations as they are marked in grey.

  • Code (Required): You can enter alphanumeric values to identify the location. If you don't have your own location numbering scheme, the system will generate sequential numbering for you (by default).

  • Name (Required): Enter the location's name to help you quickly identify it.

  • Address Line1: enter the location's address. This field, along with Town/City, State/Province, ZIP, and Country, is used to identify the geographical location of the Location on the map.

  • Address Line2: some additional address info if needed.

  • Town/City

  • State/Province

  • ZIP/Postal Code

  • Country

When you create a new location, the system copies the values of these last four fields from the previously created Location record and pre-fills them in the new form. In this way, when you create several locations in the same state or city, you don't have to enter duplicate data over and over again.

Contact Details

Enter your contact person's name, phone, and e-mail at the location. Name and Phone will be displayed in the mobile application and the Trip Service Sheet report, along with location address details.


Free-text comments on the location. It will be displayed in the mobile application and Trip Service Sheet report.

Working Hours

Enter in free-text location's open hours. It will be displayed in the mobile application and Trip Service Sheet report.

Working Days

Define which are the working days for this location. This data will be used to calculate vends per day of products and help for more accurate product sales predictions.


To define what commissions will be paid to the location, use the Commissions section on the Config tab.

The system supports five different commission types:

% of Gross Sales

Enter commission rate (0-100). The commission is calculated as a percentage of Gross sales, where Gross sales = Sum of (Sold Qty * Vend Price).

% of Gross Profit

Enter commission rate (0-100). The commission is calculated as a percentage of Gross Profit, where

Gross Profit = Gross Sales - COGS, or in other words

Gross Profit = Sum of (Sold Qty * Vend Price) - Sum of (Sold Qty * Avg Cost).

% Cash Collected

Enter commission rate (0-100). The commission is calculated as a percentage of collected cash from the machine.


Enter a fixed amount that will be paid for each machine once a month.

Per Item Sold

Enter an amount that will be multiplied by the number of items sold by the machine.

Tax Rates

To configure Tax Rates applicable for this location, first, you have to create Tax Types from the screen Configuration | Tax Types.

In this section, the system lists all defined Tax Types, and you can enter the rate for the applicable taxes for this Location.

Tax Rate accepts numeric values within the range of 0-100. If a Tax Type is irrelevant for this location, enter 0 (zero) in the Tax Rate column.

Service Pattern

If you would like to visit the location on a fixed schedule, for example, every Tuesday, you can use the Service Pattern section to describe how often and on which days you want to visit.


You can use Daily if you want to visit the machine every X days. Examples:


Use Weekly if you want to visit the machine every X weeks and on certain weekdays. Enter the number of weeks and optional the days of the week. Examples:

Service Pattern - visit every two weeks on Wednesday

The system does not offer a Monthly option, but it can be easily defined using Daily, 30 days or Weekly, 4 weeks.

When you enter location data, click the Save button to complete the creation process. The system will position the location on the map according to the address data you entered. You can see the map when you open the Show Location screen.

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